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Written By أليوم الواحد on الخميس، 9 يوليو 2015 | 12:46:00 م

Egitto faraonico Video   ====  Pharaonic Ejipta Video

Egypte pharaonique vidéo   ====   埃及法老视频

Фараонски Египет Видео  =====   Φαραωνικού Αίγυπτο Βίντεο

הפרעונית מצרים וידאו   ======   פאַראַאָניק מצרים וידאו

Death and Taxes in Ancient Egypt

Credits: The Oriental Institute Of The University Of Chicago

82nd & Fifth: "Enigma" by Janice Kamrin

82nd & Fifth: "Fragment" by Nicholas Reeves

Recording of the tomb of Tutankhamun

The Tomb of Tutankhamun from factum-arte on Vimeo.

The Dawn Of Egyptian Art

What can early representations of animals tell us about Predynastic Egypt's art and culture? Join the exhibition curator and two archaeologists for an afternoon of presentations interpreting Predynastic animal imagery and its connections with the art of the pharaohs.

Recent Research in Egyptian Art: Behind the Mask of Tutankhamun

Nicholas Reeves, Sylvan C. Coleman and Pamela Coleman Memorial Fellow, Department of Egyptian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The magnificent gold headpiece from Tutankhamun's tomb is the best-known Egyptian artwork in the world today. Hear Nicholas Reeves discuss recent scholarship on this exquisite mask, as he reveals the astonishing secret of this object's original intent.

Sarah Parcak: Archeology from space (TED video)

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